Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Week 48

Boy o' boy! Life has been crazy over the last 3 weeks! We had 3 General Authorities visit the missions and 2 of them were Apostles! (Nelson and Holland!). It has been a ball and I have taken so many good notes. One of my favorites was 'When times look glum look at it in a positive light. Count every moment as a blessing.' It is so true! Sometimes you don't have anyone to teach and sometimes people don't want to listen to you but look at all of the opportunities you have given them. You have given the full right and ability to be saved for time and all eternity. But they have their agency to choose as they will.

But missionary work is not all disappointing. We have 2 investigators right now who are solid rockstars! One named Lisa is super prepared and if it weren't for her medical complications we would likely baptize her within the month! But we are taking it one joyous bite at a time. The other amazing investigator is William. William is a recovered homeless man and boy did he recover. He is a very intelligent fellow and and he is one of the tidiest people I know. He is eating up the Gospel and it is wonderful.

All of my recent converts are doing swell! Well at least the ones in the San Diego 4th ward.... From what I have heard Carlo and Dina are having a hard time with the Gospel. So please pray for them. Michael's health is getting much better! Thank you all so much for the prayers! And Joseph has been having a lot of "ah ha" moments lately. He is really starting to understand the Gospel! Hurray!

We also had an amazing fifth Sunday presentation by our wonderful Ward Mission Leader, Brother Nielsen. We have had some amazing results from it and we have some good motivations for them 😇😆. It has overall been a wonderful week.

Let me finish by say how truly wonderful Brother Nielsen is. He is constantly looking for how the Ward can be better missionaries and almost every time we call him to come out with us, which is usually 2 to 3 to even 4 times a week! He never fails us. And it is all possible because of the Angel of a wife he has at his back. Thank you Nielsens! You are Da Bomb!

That's All Folks!

~ Elder Josh Alger

Artwork from Laney!

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