Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Last words as a missionary

I  love being a missionary. Working with people, inviting others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel is amazing! That is why it is our purpose as missionaries. The gospel is so simple! Faith in Christ and his Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the End. That is it no more no less. There is no imaginary bar we have to reach. There is no passing grade. We are not here to earn heaven and eternal life. We are here to learn eternal life, to make heaven on earth whenever we can. Have faith for a better tomorrow. Have faith that through our Lord and Savior our broken pieces will be fixed. Give up that which is evil and devilish, all that truly brings pain, sorrow and misery. Give up your sins and Christ will fill you. Repent. Rely on him and his grace and he will make you into what you were designed to become. A son; A daughter; of the most High God to inherit his kingdom. Remember who you are. Follow him. Be Baptized! Make an eternal and unbroken promise with Him that you will love him, that you will serve him and that you will lift up his sons and daughters at all times. This is your duty. Receive his Holy Spirit into your life. Let him lead you, guide you, walk beside you. You will find the way.(1) Peace He leaves with you, peace He gives unto you but not as the world gives, let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid(2) for He is with you from all eternity to all eternity. Never give up. Straight is the way and narrow the gate which leads to the kingdom of heaven,(3) but He is with you and if you give Him your whole self he will carry you to the mansions of his father. If you love Him, if you serve Him, if you follow Him. This is my testimony. I know this work is true. I love the Lord with all of my soul! And so help me God, you will feel His love and know His way. It is the only and true way under heaven. All of this I say and bear witness in the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, Amen.

A servant of the Lord,
~Elder Joshua Alger

(1) LDS hymns #301
(2) John 14:27
(3) 3 Nephi 27:33

Week 101 - I love being a Missionary!

We have been working hard. Michelle and Junior. Were happily baptized and confirmed members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I baptized Junior and Elder Kersten baptized Michelle. On Sunday I conferred the Aaronic Priesthood to Junior. He is excited and ready to serve. He told us he wants to serve a mission. On Friday they will be going to the temple to be baptized on behalf of their own ancestors. I am so proud of them. They make great Mormons! Because this is my last week in the mission field I want leave you with my final testimony to you as a Full-time Missionary of the Lord. I will send it in the next email.
~Elder Joshua Alger

Me above one of the many canyons that speckle downtown San Diego

Multi Zone Sports with our Mission President, a once and a mission experience.

The classiest Restroom sign I have ever seen in my life! I had to share lol ðŸ˜‚.

Us with Michelle and Jr. At the Mormon Battalion. That was a blast!

Elder Kersten, Michelle, Elder Alger (Me), and Junior at their baptism

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Week 99 - I am sick

I am sick but working hard. The ward takes care of me when I need help. I have been given 2 remedies for my cold/cough/flu or whatever it is. I am not cured yet but am defiantly feeling better. Also, I have a great companion to support me. As long as he knows I am trying, he is patient with me. It is such a blessing. 

I have been so spoiled. I have not been sick very much on my mission. I cannot remember a time when I had to stay in the apartment because of my own illness. Whatever I have is pretty darn annoying and exhausting though. It's just like I am constantly breathing up dust bunnies and sleep is a real struggle. I took some NyQuil last night and that knocked me out but I hate drugs. I am holding up though. 

On a lighter note we have 3 people with set baptism dates, 2 in June and 1 in July, and getting 3 people back to the temple. The work is hopping!

Elder Alger

We got to go to the aquarium with the Nielsen family.