Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Week 68

My new area is great! I am in Poway, about as close to Utah as you get in San Diego. Everyone is rich and white. It is pretty much a medium size city amongst large, bouldery hills. My wards, yes plural wards, are really great! Everyone wants to share the Gospel and all they need is a push in the right the direction and this area will work wonders! There is so much potential here. And we are super fed. They call Poway the land of eternal dinners! Lol! 😂 

My new companion is Elder Jensen. I have worked with him before when I was in forth ward, he was my Zone leader. Now we are working together as Zone leaders. Super fun! He is very diligent and great at talking to everyone.

I am sad to leave the wonderful people of Otay Mesa but I am so excited for all of the wonderful work to be done in Poway!  We are currently teaching a few people but we are slowly but surely increasing the quantity and interest of the people we are teaching and at the same time finding new and creative ways to find them!  I am super excited!

Elder Alger

We rode our bikes on exchanges in the the first rain in Poway and all of the gross stuff off of the road and onto our white shirts. Yuck!

I made pancakes for the first time ever. Not to shabby if I don't say so myself.

Fun in the apt.

Elder Jensen and I in front of the church after a day of hard work.

Good bye Elder Mahoney! Have a good time with YOUR trainee!

White chocolate tie that I thought was adorable! So I had to take a pic!

My Halloween costume! Lol!

Decorating cupcakes for less Actives!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Week 67

I have had some good times in The Otay Mesa/ Imperial Beach Ward. I am sad to leave all of the good friends I have made but the Lord's will not mine be done. So off I go to Poway in the Lake Poway and Twin Peaks wards!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 66

It has been another crazy week in paradise. The San Diego CA Mission has been making a pretty big adjustment using Facebook and other proselytizing technologies. It is such a blessing to connect with
people in ways that simply were not possible. We are working out the kinks. It is pretty cool though. This week was a a wee bit sad. We didn't really have anyone come to church.😔 and one of our more promising investigators lost his baptismal date.

But on the bright side. PUPPIES, 🐶!!!  Yesterday we spent a good part of our evening helping rescued dogs. We had dinner in a park and on this particular evening and just a few feet away was about fifty dogs of all kinds being walked played with and other things to prepare them for there trip up to Colorado. These dogs are rescued stray dogs from the other side of the border. It was fun and they were adorable! We ended up adding the workers on Facebook and hopefully we can get them in touch with their wards in Colorado.

That is life here in Otay Mesa.
Elder Alger

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week 65

Life back hur in San Diego is rul nice. 😁 We are living the high life again with next to perfect weather.🌅🏝 Teaching wise we are booked! It is partially because of the meeting we have almost every morning, but we are teaching a lot of people. Our mission has a little slogan or motto and it is "and in the San Diego California Mission we Find Constantly, Teach Repentance, and Baptized converts!" We say it every time we recite our purpose as missionaries with is, "To invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the Restored Gospel through faith and Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end." I love our mission! We are so excited to get to work and to lift each other up. I am sure your mission will be the same but the San Diego California Mission will always be the best! 😆

This week has been full of meetings. They were all good and uplifting and inspiring but it took a good chunk out of our regular proselytizing time. We did get. Quite a few things done too. We started teaching 3 different youth. All of which are fairly interested in what we have to say. And the most wonderful thing of all this week was getting Carlo to commit himself to be baptized on October 29th! We are so excited for him!🎉🎈

To top of the excitement this week, we were able to hear from our beloved Prophet and Apostles at General Conference! I am preparing me favorite notes from General Conference to share with y'all shortly.
But for now C' Ya! 😁

~Elder J. Alger