Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Week 64

This week was a week of exchanges. On Wednesday I spent all day with Elder Campbell, who is a very analytical thinker and reminds me a lot of my dad. It was a good time. He is very excited all of the time. And is always ready to get down to it. We had a lot of fun together and shared the Gospel to every creature! 
And then on Friday for exchange number 2 I was with Elder Sully. He is a great Elder. He was pretty fun to be with for that whole day. We taught a lot of good lessons and had a great time!

Update on people being taught. We have William with a baptismal date for October 15. He is a 9 year old kid who is a bit crazy but he has his heart in the right place and really wants to be baptized. We are also working with Juan and Stephanie and their daughter Angelica. The only thing stopping them from being baptized is their marriage! They are so close! We are getting them Closer and Closer to setting a date I have a feeling we will get them married in the next month and Baptized!

And last but not least Carlo! He kidnapped us last night. We started talking to him and then he asked us to get in his car to help him out with something and next thing we knew we were driving half way across the mission for In-N-Out burger. It was quite an adventure. The plan is that now that he is off of vacation he is going to get back to business with meeting with us. He is the best!

And fun fact today it is hotter in San Diego than Phoenix today! So I hope you all enjoy the weather swap while it lasts! 

Love y'all,
~Elder J. Alger

Loving life at the Laundromat!

Rain! I love it so much!

September 19, international talk like a pirate day. I thought I would get into character.

This shows you how close we are to Mexico 

San Diego style Mexican food!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Week 63

This week has been crazy!

Our district is awesome! We are buds and are pretty open with each other. I love it. 
We have made some serious ground in the right direction both in the district and in my companionship. But I won't get to into it too much here.

Second. Missionaries in the California San Diego mission are now authorized to use Facebook! It is very bitter sweet. It is given to us purely for proselyting. So no family and friends keep up,  just members and investigators which is awesome! We are able to share so much more and even live video chat lessons! It is pretty cool.

Now with investigators we just got William with a baptismal date which was pretty fun. We went into the lesson and started talking about baptism. Missionaries in the past have felt that his mother had reservations about him being baptized because he doesn't know enough which makes sense because he is 9. But this time we reassured her and him that we can teach him everything and he will be ready for baptism by October 15 and everyone agreed. It was awesome! We also started teaching Chico Washington, who came to church! We were pretty excited about that. They are a great family and prepared to move forward spiritually!

That's it for today folks!
~Elder J. Alger

Friday, September 16, 2016

Week 62

So I am officially in the brand new Imperial Beach Ward and officially sharing the Ward with another set of Elders. I am District leader over the four of us and both companionships are training. We are having a good time. We have literally spent some portion of each day this week with Elder's Sully and Goeckritz. We are trying to figure out how it is all going to work. We started working with 2 members that we are hoping to have called to be Ward missionaries, brother Harmon and Brother Hooker. Both of them are mid singles and both are really fun to be around. Brother Harmon basically spent his day off with us last week and went into straight missionary mode we even taught someone just off he street with him! It was so fun! And brother Hooker is a convert as of 3 years but just got
the Melchizedek priesthood. He hasn't been to church lately but he is joining us for a lesson this Saturday! And to top things off we taught a fantastic lesson to Kristina Krause and she committed to be baptized on October 8th!

Over all it has been another great week in paradise!

~Elder J. Alger

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Week 61

Life is sweet! Our ward got dissolved and all the people got mashed together with half of what used to be Imperial Beach Ward and bada bing bada boom... the NEW Imperial Beach Ward is born!
We now have two sets of missionaries in one ward! Pretty crazy. We also found the most golden family who might text us back.... They have a lot of potential but we hope they stay motivated. We just started teaching Juan the man of the house in Stephanie and Angelica's home which means baptism and MARRIAGE is in sight!

Personally I have been loving life! I just realized that our companionship is too comfortable so we are officially doing to reach out of my comfort zone and become an even great missionary. I will let
you know what next week!

~Elder J. Alger

Sis. Nielsen from my old area met my companion and I at a taco shop, about a mile from Mexico, and bought us lunch!