Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week 13

Thank you to those who have been sending me short video messages.  I've been loving them! Sorry about not sending any responses last week but you'll get them all today.

The temp over here is definitely warm especially if your walking in it all day but it is not nearly as hot back home. The highs this week are between 96 and 90.

So guess what... I'm training a new missionary! Fresh from the MTC! I've only been out here for 3 months and they already have me showing new guys the ropes! It's super exciting but also makes me a bit nervous. I won't meet him until tomorrow though so you'll have to wait until next week to see him.

Well here it is.......

September 23, 2015
Today was weird. We had some technical difficulties with my companion's iPad. He updated to iOS 9 and his iPad wouldn't finish updating which resulted in his iPad being an expensive paper-weight.... but we were able to fix it by 5pm but it took up most of the day. After that we went to dinner with the Westre's, a returning member family. The are super cool and Sis. Westre is an excellent cook. Yummmmmm..... We had a little lesson afterward about Prayer and scripture study. That was basically our day. Not too bad.

September 24, 2015
Today is Thursday sooooooo it was interesting.... We kicked off the day with Weekly planning, (when we plan for the coming week, CrAzY RIGHT.😅) In between sessions of planning we had a teaching appointment with Ray. He is a good guy who really just wants to know all he can about the Church. He is not quite sold just off of our word but thankfully that is not what we ask. We ask all of our investigators to take God's word. So hopefully he'll take our advice and run with it.
After Ray we met with Ani. She was a fireball today. We had a hard time getting a word in but when we did it defiantly impacted her. She really appreciates us being there for her and supporting her through Christ. Her heart it in the right place and in the end that is all that matters.
We had to cut Ani's visit short so we could give a blessing to an even newer trainee who was feeling sick. I loved that that we're so willing to ask and that our response we'll be out as soon as we can. That is the way things should work. The Gospel makes so much sense if you just think about it.
After the blessing we were given a ride to my favorite family so far on my mission, the Trevinos. they are awesome. they are on the strait and narrow and are persevering through so many trials with there hand with God's I lost count. We had dinner and then Bro Trevino taught an FHE lesson. It reminded me so much of my childhood when my mom and dad would do fun little FHE lessons. I loved it!

September 25, 2015
So today I went on exchanges with Elder Orullian. He was sick so we weren't able to do any missionary work.We just stayed in the apartment all day... Lets just say it really made me appreciate missionary work. Mostly because the standards we have a missionaries literally make it so Missionary work is the only thing we can do if we are exactly obedient. If you plan on going on a mission you better do it for you or the Lord not for someone else. I got to know Elder Orullian a lot better though so it was a good day.

September 26, 2015
We kicked off the day with meeting with Greg. We talked with him about the baptismal interview questions. After we went through all of them and reviewed some doctrine to refresh his mind.

After Greg we met with Emmanuel. We taught Emmanuel about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Focused on repentance and how to do it. We also taught the Word of Wisdom. We gave him a blessing and will need to follow up about the Word of Wisdom in future meetings. He has such a desire to follow the Word of Wisdom. It is wonderful. I was the one who gave him the blessing and I nearly cried while giving it. He will be so blessed if he continues on this path. That was the highlights for today. Wonderful isn't it? :)

September 27, 2015
Today's highlight  was definitely meeting with Ross Maseuli and his family. Ross has been less active since he was a deacon. They currently go to his wife's church but his daughter has asked to go to her
dad's church before. There is definitely a lot of good potential in their family. They are great people!

September 28, 2015
Today was weird. I have come to realize that there is no normal day as a missionary. There are just so many different things you do throughout the week. Anyway. we kicked off today with the funeral of an apostle of God. Then we had to Rush over to the Daniels home to give Beth and her husband blessings. Then we went to the Trevino's to do some service, which ended up being building and sanding wood pallets into book shelves and a shoe storage bench. When we left the Trevino's we had a quick bit to eat and got over to Beth Daniels as soon as we could.
Beth was going to teach us on The Gospel of Jesus Christ but, Beth did not have her lesson ready. She looked a lot better tonight after her priesthood blessing. she asked a few questions and then we talked about the three parts of the Atonement. she really enjoyed it and said she would have her lesson on  The Gospel of Jesus Christ ready on Wednesday. To finish off the day we met with Charlotte Churchill. She said she would like to fellowship or befriend the Perez family so we prepped her for the lesson we will be having with the Perez's later that week. She is such a stud.

I Love you!

~ Elder Josh Alger

P.S. Could I get some sacrament sheet music, I was listening to my shuffle music lately and I have a feeling I'm going to be singing in Sacrament meeting soon. And some guitar chords and tabs of hymns and lullabies would be awesome. I've taken up guitar. Elder Andersen was teaching me but he is leaving so I'm going to have to fend for myself for a while.  Love you! And thank you!

Hand sketch from my Ipad


Investigator's cool spray paint


District T-shirt pic

Sweaty again

Elder Orullian

We have Jalapeño cheddar bread too! My Favorite!

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