Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week 9

So here is the in depth version of my week day-by-day.
August 26, 2015
Today was productive but very lead by the spirit. Our lesson plans did not go to schedule. We went over to Brian and Bridgette's after lunch an had the opportunity to speak to Bridgette's parents, one of which grew up in Utah. It was a cool coincidence. We went to Beth's after that and comforted her in a hard time and gave her a blessing. It really helped her. The last highlight of the day was going to the Perez's it was a late night visit because her girls were coming home from young women's. We read a part of a chapter from the BoM and committed them to read the remainder and the next chapter.
August 27, 2015
Today was odd. We met with Annie. We taught her most of the restoration. We weren't able to go though the whole thing because she easily goes off on tangents. Her baptimal date will have to be moved back to the 12th of September so she can be ready to be baptized. She has a crazy past and is very dedicated to church and Jesus Christ. Her heart is in the right place. Fellowshipping is going to be crucial with Annie. She is a wonderful and next to selfless woman. After Annie we went tot the Trevino's for dinner, the best family in the ward in my opinion. Then we went back to the apartment to finish our planning for the week and had a phone call Lesson with Sis. Churchill!?!?! I didn't even know that phone call lessons were even allowed! It was pretty cool, not as good as an in person lesson but still great! Then we went to Martel's. We got to his house and someone whom I am guessing was his dad came to the door and said Martel wasn't there. And when we asked when he would be there he said "It not gonna happen. I'm trying to be polite!" That was quite an interesting appointment. Then we started walking home and this lady named Sherry yelled at us from across a parking lot and said: "Hey! Hey! Are you Mormons!?" We said yes and we gave her a Book of Mormon and a Plan of Salvation pamphlet. She said she would go to church and just needed a church to go to. It was pretty cool.
August 29, 2015
Today was pretty cool. The first thing we did today was try to get Martel to a Baptism that another ward was putting on. Sadly we couldn't get a hold of him but while in that part of town we tried some old potential investors and found Derek. Derek is an awesome guy. He is going through some rough times but really desires to come closer to Christ and strive to be like him but he needs support from the people around him. So naturally we invited him to church where he can find the support he is looking for. We are going to pick him up tomorrow at 10:30! After that we went over to the Kimura's and talked to Sis. Kimura. She said that her son's schedule has changed so now he has Tuesday and Thursday off from work so we can meet with him now! After that we had dinner at the Dickson's. It was good food and a wonderful conversation about the Atonement. We then went to Ella M. After dinner was over. Ella was so happy to see us! ðŸ˜ƒ We read 5 chapters from the Book of Mormon with her and taught her about the Law of the Fast and the Law of Tithing.... Or should I say she taught us because she already knew most of what we had to say! What a great Investigator! After we were finished visiting Ella we went outside to wait for our ride home while out there there was a man named Juan came up to us. He asked us to give a blessing to his father who is recovering from an illness. We gladly accepted. Juan said that he had been trying to get someone over there for a month but was having a hard time and then we appeared. He said it was a blessing and a miracle. Super Cool! Just another day in the life of a servant of the Lord!
August 30, 2015 
This Sunday was pretty great. Sanchez came to church today! She hasn't been able to meet with us for the past few weeks because she hasn't been feeling well but she is feeling better now and came to church! The Perez's came to church too! The Perez's are so awesome. They love church and have been reading the Book of Mormon! Today's church was odd though. The first presidency of the church sent out a training video on keeping the sabbath day more holy and be a delight. We spent the 2nd and 3rd hours of church watching and discussing the video as a ward. It was cool! But different thankfully it didn't really effect the investigators in a negative way. They actually liked it. :D For dinner today we went to the Finau's and to our surprise Sanchez was there! Apparently Bro. And Sis. Finau invited her to dinner! Now that is good fellowshipping. We ate great food and has a great discussion on the Atonement of Christ and Sanchez had a beautiful testimony of the Atonement and how it has helped her in her life. It was great!

I love you!
~ Elder Josh Alger

Elder Andersen and I waiting at the bus stop... Fun times!

The actual bus! Exciting I know ;D

If you look toward the center of the Photo you will see the rare
species of the Missionariadorkus with his most prized possession The
ancient record of the Americas other wise known as the BoM!

This is the park where we meet many investigators. This moment
specifically is when someone didn't show up to meet with us.

A little panorama pic of the bus at the bus stop. :D

These next two are a glimpse of what the sky can look like in San Diego California.

This is a panoramic of the Spring valley park with the superb book
of scripture The Book of Mormon.

This is a pic of Elder Andersen being a goober on his photo booth app.

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