Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Week 3

My companion Elder Anderson is now Elder BATMAN! I'm not quite sure how it came to me during my very first mission president fireside, but one of his previously baptized investigators has a younger sister who always called him Elder Batman. It's kind of odd but it's also kind of awesome. The mission president fireside was awesome! And I actually got to connect with one of our investigators, Viola. It was pretty great. She liked it so much she wanted us to come by any day after five and anytime of the day on Saturday. It was awesome. We met with Ruben Samenaigo III on Monday. It was a two hour long meeting. Nothing really came of it. We tried to teach the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and a little bit of the plan of salvation. But he didn't believe in God or that Jesus Christ is our Savior. So it was really rough. He's not very comfortable with the idea of God. Mostly because he doesn't see God is a loving Heavenly Father but he sees him as a tyrant. Someone who can be hypocritical and not receive any consequences. He doesn't understand the nature of God. I don't know what we can do for him. Hopefully we can figure something out. But earlier this week we got a great new investigator named Yasmin. She is awesome. She is still in high-school but she isn't like all of the nasty teenagers you might think fill a high school. She has an innocence about her. I'm really excited to teach her again.

Until next week!

Elder Josh Alger

Loving the beautiful San Diego!!!!

I took these on photo booth for fun one night after daily planning.

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