Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Week 4

 I spoke in Sacrament meeting for my first time on my mission this Sunday. It was so stressful. I worked on it all week during personal study. The Bishop gave me the topic of missionary work. It was a broad topic so had to narrow it down so it would be impactful. I started thinking about what I most struggled with as a member missionary. I came to the conclusion that it was faith. But not only faith but faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith in the our Lord and Redeemer is so essential. It is this very same faith that brings us closer to Jesus Christ and his perfect example. We must have faith that our Savior has prepared those around us that they might receive the joy and happiness that we have already. We must put ourselves completely in his hands. In order to build that faith we must have learn to trust the Lord.We can do this by: First- Praying Daily (getting to know our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ by speaking to them directly), Second- having Daily Scripture study (reading Their words given to us by Their Holy Prophets), Third- Being Worthy of God's Holy Temple (or acting on His word giving the world another righteous example to live by), and Fourth- Daily Acts of Service (following Christ's selfless example in serving our fellow brothers and sisters. "... When you're in the service of your fellow beings you are only in the service of your God" As you learn to rely on the Lord your joy will skyrocket and the joy of those around you.

Thank you and love you,
~ Elder Josh Alger

These are some of the beautiful flowers we have in San Diego.

This is what it looks like every other morning.

More beautiful flowers.

Bro. And Sis. Dickson made Hawaiian Haystacks because I suggested it. They loved it and gave us some leftovers. It was almost as good as Mom's :D 

This is what happens when you walk on your Mission. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Week 3

My companion Elder Anderson is now Elder BATMAN! I'm not quite sure how it came to me during my very first mission president fireside, but one of his previously baptized investigators has a younger sister who always called him Elder Batman. It's kind of odd but it's also kind of awesome. The mission president fireside was awesome! And I actually got to connect with one of our investigators, Viola. It was pretty great. She liked it so much she wanted us to come by any day after five and anytime of the day on Saturday. It was awesome. We met with Ruben Samenaigo III on Monday. It was a two hour long meeting. Nothing really came of it. We tried to teach the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and a little bit of the plan of salvation. But he didn't believe in God or that Jesus Christ is our Savior. So it was really rough. He's not very comfortable with the idea of God. Mostly because he doesn't see God is a loving Heavenly Father but he sees him as a tyrant. Someone who can be hypocritical and not receive any consequences. He doesn't understand the nature of God. I don't know what we can do for him. Hopefully we can figure something out. But earlier this week we got a great new investigator named Yasmin. She is awesome. She is still in high-school but she isn't like all of the nasty teenagers you might think fill a high school. She has an innocence about her. I'm really excited to teach her again.

Until next week!

Elder Josh Alger

Loving the beautiful San Diego!!!!

I took these on photo booth for fun one night after daily planning.

Week 2

Right now I'm in the Sweetwater 1st ward. It is two areas away from the ward we visited during vacation! It's crazy! I'm having a great time. My companion is a goob, just like me, but knows how and when to get down to business. I love him to death. He's from a small town up in Idaho called Blackfoot. I have learned to heavily rely on the Lord and his will. I know that if I am exactly obedient and diligent I will be aligned to the Lord's will in all of the work I do here in the Great San Diego Mission.

After church on Sunday we went out with Bro. Dickson, an older but energetic brother, to teach my first real sit-down investigator lesson! It was great. Her name is Elle but pronounced "Ella". We taught the Plan of Salvation it all want very well. It was an odd visit though because she couldn't read the Book of Mormon or much of anything we gave her because she's got vertigo and dizziness from falling down three steps of stairs. But we are getting a recorded version of the Book of Mormon so she can listen to it. She was excited for that. It was an amazing experience!

I am excited for all my days be filled with the Spirit of God so the children of our glorious Heavenly Father can hear His good word!

Oh and I got in a car crash with Bro. Dickson on Thursday night. No one got hurt but the car sure did. I'm attaching the pics.

Love you all!

Elder Joshua Alger

The pics this week start with the ones from the MTC and then on to the crash in San Diego.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Elder Alger arrives in San Diego!

Dear Parents, 

We are so grateful that your sons and daughters arrived safely in San Diego today.  They were a bit weary due to early morning travel, but we were able to feed them lunch, get them some rest (along with writing a letter
 to you), and some training.  I was able to individually meet with each of our new missionaries and am so impressed by their dedication and desire to follow Jesus Christ.  Tomorrow morning, we will assign them their first area and missionary companion.

Thanks so much for your love and support of these great missionaries.  It is truly our privilege to serve alongside them.

May God's choicest blessings be with each of you and your families.

Best regards,

Jonathan S. Schmitt
President, California San Diego Mission
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Week 1

It is so great to hear from the people who sent me emails and letters. I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier but I haven't had a P-Day until today :/ But I am so glad to receive letters and emails. You won't realize how much they mean until you leave on a Mission.

The MTC is great. It is beyond anything that I have imagined. It is very hard to describe but I have been busy ever since I arrived. I haven't had a single moment to even think about myself which is a good thing since I am striving to be selfless like Jesus. I have been at the MTC for officially 8 days and I am leaving for San Diego on July 7th and I am so excited!!! The food is great but I have to be careful not to eat too much because it is all you can eat. It has been very hard starting off with the little knowledge I have of missionary work and having a couple of veteran missionaries throw me and my companion, Elder Frey, into a room with convincing actors as investigators. There is one investigator that we have that is really tough. Her name is Sharon. She was molested by her father, abused by both of her husbands and lost her only child after being barren for 12 years because her body rejected the child. And for the cherry on top after she prayed to God desperately to save her son he died, so now she won't pray. She is difficult but she does believe in the Atonement and Jesus Christ so we have been working with her diligently in that area.

Despite the challenge of two newbie missionaries trying to teach hardened investigators I have been having a great time learning everything I can at the MTC. I love Elder Frey. We work excellently together! the only sad thing is Elder Frey is going to Alaska in the field so I won't be able to see him for a long while after we part ways :'(    But we can write and stuff so its not too bad.

It has been a great time though and I am loving every second of it.

Love you all!
Elder Alger

P.S.I can't send out pictures this week because of crazy MTC computer restrictions but I'll send them all next week. :)