Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Week 57

I am doing amazingly I have a great new companion, Elder Mahoney and the area in which we serve is on the border of Mexico! It is a whole lot of fun. The landscape is very hilly and it never gets over 90 degrees. Paradise! I am enjoying it while I can. The Ward I am in is very small but it is a powerful bunch. They are all very strong members and the ones who are not as strong we teach!

I would have to say that sharing the Saviors love with others is my favorite part about being a missionary. That paired with helping others recognize the spirit makes for a wonderful experience.
This week has been significantly slower but we are still teaching and having people come to church.
I think the most strenuous part about missionary work is finding people to teach. When we do it on our own it is very hit and miss but when we do it with members and their friends it usually works out. When we talk per se to people in a busy place, half the people do not speak English, another quarter won't talk because they do not know you and about an 8th of the total will talk to you about Christ then out of that about a 16th will let us teach a mini-lesson with them and about about half of those people will let you contact them again. But this all happens relatively fast. If you are doing it right you are talking to at least 30-40 people a day so you get to talk about Jesus quite a bit.
On the other hand when you find people to teach through members you skip most of those odds. Their friends speak English, they want to talk to them because they know them. And more than likely they would be willing to talk about what they believe. That brings it down To a 50/50 chance! The thing that makes working with members a bit more difficult is members are nervous to open their mouths. And helping them sometimes takes a little while.
But yeah that's me.

~ Elder Josh Alger

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